2.3.4 Aminoacid sequences and base sequences
In this lecture we will check how we can find base sequences starting from aminoacid sequences. Suppose you detected the following protein during a study:
How can this protein be generated?
1 Question 1
How long is the base sequence generating this protein? How many possible base sequences can result in this aminocid sequence?
2 Question 2
Write all the possible base sequences resulting in this aminoacid table, as a table with 7 columns, with the possible codons in each column.
3 Question 3
Choose three of the sequences found in the previous question. In RStudio, load seqin
> library(seqinr)
and show that these four sequences indeed translate to the protein we want. An example:
> translate(s2c("AAA"))
[1] "K"
Replace AAA
with the chosen sequences.
4 Question 4
Write a base sequence containing one of the sequences above in an open reading frame in second position. Do the same for the third position.