2.1.2 Files
When we close R, we lose everything we did – the variables and functions we defined are lost. In order to keep our work, we need to use files. There are two types of files we are going to use:
- Source code: where we write the code that needs to be executed.
- Data files: where we write the data we analyze, and the results we obtain.
1 Source code
In RStudio, we manipulate source code in the code panel, located at the upper-left part of the screen.
In this panel, we can have multiple files open at the same time. For example, in this image we have a file Untitled1
. The red color means this file is temporary and we need to save it somewhere. The asterisk *
means that there were changes since the last time the file was changed.
To run the code, you need to select the code you want to execute (such as 7+9 above), and press the Run
button. The result can be seen in the console, in the lower-left panel.
Files can be open from the “File -> Open File…” menu, or by pressing CTRL-O
. Files can be saved by pressing the disquette icon, or by pressing CTRL-S
1.1 Working with multiple files
When doing long manipulations, it is convenient to decompose your work in multiple files. In order to do so, first create a folder with your name in the desktop. After, on the lower-right panel, go to your folder (in the image below, it is named r-tests
), go to the More
menu, and click in Set As Working Directory
We are going to create two files. The first one will be named code1.R
, and the second one code2.R
. In code2.R
, define the following function sayHello
sayHello <- function(name){
return(paste("Hello", name))
In code1.R
, we can use this function by sourcing code2.R
# Import the file. This defines the function `sayHello`.
# Define a variable `x`
x <- 5
# Depending on the value of `x`, do something different.
if (x > 10) {
sayHello("Big Number")
} else {
sayHello("Small Number")
To execute this file, select the block of code, and press Run
. Change the value of x
, and run it again, to see how the code works.
2 Working with data files
Open Excel, and create a file as follows, with first name, family name and age. You may use different data.
Save it as a .csv
file, named data
. We can load this file in R and save it in the variable myData
myData <- read.csv("data.csv")
The resulting data will be a Data Frame:
> myData
First Last Age
1 Juan Simoes 33
2 Luna Diaz 28
3 Rogerio Pinto 60
4 Mercedes Jimenez 61
It has rows and columns. You can refer to rows by numbers, and to columns by either number or name:
myData # See the table
myData["First"] # See all the first names
myData[1] # See all the first names, but referring to the order
myData[1,] # See the data of the first person
myData$Age # See all ages, but as a vector
2.1 Working with data frames
With this variable available, we can analyze the data. For example, what is the highest age in our data set?
> max(myData$Age)
[1] 61
But who’s this person? We can ask this using:
> which.max(myData$Age) # Get the index of the maximum value
[1] 4
> oldest <- which.max(myData$Age) # Store it in a variable
> myData[oldest,] # Get the corresponding row
First Last Age
4 Mercedes Jimenez 61
And now we know the oldest person in the data set!
2.2 Plots
Plotting data in R is very simple. Let’s start by preparing some data:
# A function that squares a number.
square <- function(a) {
# The X values for the graph.
x <- seq(from=-1,to=1,by=0.1)
# The Y values for the graph.
# The square of each number in x.
y <- sapply(x,square)
# Create the graph.
On the lower-right panel, you should see the graph:
Using the Export button, you can save this image as a file.