2.3 Laboratory - Young modulus measurement

The Young modulus of an ideal elastic object that follows Hooke’s law is determined by the elasticity constant:

Y = \frac{1}{k} While this relates the young modulus to the well-known spring equation, this doesn’t answer the question on how to measure Young’s modulus.

Number Mass Increasing y Decreasing y Mean y Depression
1 A d1 = A - A
2 B d2 = B - A
3 C d3 = C - A
4 D d4 = D - A
5 E d5 = E - A
6 F d6 = F - A

Then, depressions are assembled per interval of three weight increases, and averaged:

\delta = \frac{(d_4 - d_1) + (d_5 - d_2) + (d_6 - d_3)}{3} And the Young modulus is measured as:

Y = \frac{gl^3}{4bd^3} \frac{M}{\delta} Where: