Haskell type classes: incidental non-examples


This post is a tour of some Haskell type classes, and why some types don’t fit them, but in a non-fundamental way. That means that one could change the encoding of these type classes in order to make these types fit into them, without changing their mathematical meaning.

This list will evolve in time.

1 Functor

The most common type class on Haskell, inspired by the category theory concept with same name. In Haskell all functors are endofunctors, that is, they have the same domain and target categories.

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

1.1 Non-examples

The most common non-example is Set. A reason for this is that Set contains only unique elements, following their Eq instance, but Haskell functions are not required to follow this instance. That is, x == y does not imply f x == f y, which is the property known as Leibniz equality. If we define for any type a newtype:

newtype Same a = Same { getSame :: a }

instance Eq (Same a) where
  _ == _ = True

instance Ord (Same a) where
  _ <= _ = True

then it easy to see that Set.map getSame . Set.map Same is not the same as Set.map (getSame . Same) = Set.map id = id.

Another reason for Set not to fit the class is its Ord restriction on elements. To see why this is a problem, we can write the full type signature for fmap, with explicit quantification:

forall a b . Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

which shows that there is no place for restrictions in this signature.

Other examples of this kind are the Storable and Unbox variants of Vector from the vector package. These limitations make numerical applications in Haskell unpleasant, since they often depend on constraints. The most well known library that tries to solve this problem is SubHask, and I have my own personal take on the subject here.

2 Applicative

The class is defined as follows:

class Functor f => Applicative f where
  pure :: a -> f a
  <*> :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Both functions are related to the concept of monoidal categories in different ways. The function pure is related to the concept of tensorial strength, while <*> is related to lax monoidal functors.

It is worth noting that the property of having <*> is equivalent to have a function zip :: (f a, f b) -> f (a,b), that is, pairs of functor images are mapped to functor images of pairs.

2.1 Non-examples

A common type that is Functor but not Applicative is Map k. Map k a is semantically a function k -> Maybe a, the composition of (k ->) and Maybe, both Applicatives. Since for (k ->) we have pure = const and for Maybe we have pure = Just, we would need to have values for all the keys, which may be infinite in number.

However, <*> is perfectly implementable, and could be defined as instersectWith ($), which is equivalent to the composition of <*> for (k ->) and Maybe.

Another similar example are ZipVectors, which are vectors where (<*>) = zipWith ($). For this instance to be lawful, one would need pure to produce an infinite vector, which is not possible. This is however possible for lists and is implemented in Control.Applicative.

A solution to this problem is to split the Applicative class in two parts. You can find these parts as Pointed in pointed and Apply in semigroupoids. This separation has been also implemented in purescript.